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Waldorf Schools around the world are known for being vibrant communities where teachers and staff
work together to manage the daily operations, supported by the constructive and enthusiastic
involvement of the parent body. To bring this to life, Michael Oak’s organisational structure is based on
a system where groups of committed persons are mandated to fulfil certain responsibilities.

Please click the link for more information.
Parent Engagement

The Trustees are also responsible for the long term sustainability and the legal and financial stability of the school. Their roles and responsibilities are set out in the Board of Trustees Charter. The Trustees comprise of a minimum of six and a maximum of twelve members, at least three of whom need to be teachers. The parent members are selected annually as recommended by the Nominations Committee. The trustees meet 3 times per term.

Members: 2024-2025:Natasha Kannemeyer (Chair), Venasan Pillay (Secretary, Wayne de Wet (Treasurer), Kathy Abbott, Joshua Cox, Jerome Davis,  Ann Kantey, Mohamed Majapa, Gwynneth Matthews, Kim Snapper, Barrie van Zyl.

As part of parent engagement parents may serve on any of the following committees.

BUILDCOM: Building and Grounds
The Building, Maintenance and Security Committee works to ensure that the buildings, grounds and facilities of the school properties are developed to keep up with the evolving needs of the School Community and will make recommendations to this effect. The daily management of the school facilities remains the responsibility of the Administration Group. Meet once per term.

FINCOM: Finance
The Finance & Audit Committee’s key responsibilities are: administration, financial systems and planning, the monthly management accounts and cash flow, the annual budget and recommended fee increases, recommendations to the Trustees on the appointment of the auditors, the annual audit and preparation of the annual financial statements. Meet twice per term.

REMCOM: Personnel and Remunerations
The Remunerations Committee is responsible for ensuring that remuneration practices are in line with the Basic Conditions of Employment. Recommendations to the Trustees will be made regarding salary increases in line with the budget. Meet once per term.

RISKCOM: Risk and Quality Assurance
The Risk Committee is responsible for assessing financial, legal and safety and security risks and making recommendations to the Trustees regarding courses of action. Meet once per term.

TRANSCOM: Transformation
Transformation Committee seeks to respond to the school’s objectives of diversity and inclusion and to this effect will make recommendations to the Trustees on how best to achieve these objectives. Meet once per term.

NOMCOM: Nominations to Board
The Nominations Committee is responsible for selecting the parent nominees to the Board of Trustees.  Nomcom is made up of two members each from College, the current Trustees and the Links Group. Meet once per year to select nominees.




The Kindergarten, Primary School and High School forums are the three Stakeholder forums referred to in the school’s Trust Deed, which is the document that describes the school’s governance structure. The purpose of forums is to serve as a channel of communication to support and enhance the governance of the school, by facilitating open engagement between the parents and the teachers.

The forums consist of the class links and representatives from the College of Teachers. All issues affecting the school community are brought to the parent forums where constructive solutions are sought. Parent forums meet twice per term.



Dear Michael Oak Community

Help raise funds for our school and others with the MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet Fundraising programme. MySchool contributes over R8 million to their beneficiaries every month. Michael Oak benefits by around R3000 per month through our supporters. As a supporter it doesn’t cost you an extra cent to make a difference, and it can save you money.

How does the Programme work?

Get a card (see below) then simply swipe your MySchool Card when you shop at one of the many MySchool partners. These include Woolworths, Engen QuickShops, Walton’s, Toys R Us, Reggie’s,  Altech Netstar and prepaid electricity to name just a few. They donate a percentage of your spend to our school. There is no extra cost to you.

Card holders also automatically qualify to be a part of the Woolworths WRewards programme, which offers up to 20% off instantly on over 1000 items in store. 

How do I get started?

  1. Download, complete and return to the school this application form >>  MySchool Application PDF
  2. Apply online at or via phone at 0860 100 445.
  3. Ask at any Woolworths branch.

Remember that our school name is the beneficiary.

Note: The supporter card is not a credit or debit card.

Already have a card?

You don’t need a new card – just add us as a beneficiary. To do this, simply phone MySchool on 0860 100 445 or visit

Frequently asked questions

Is it possible to support more than one beneficiary?

Yes. You can support up to 3 beneficiaries. Funds will be split equally between the beneficiaries.

I already have a card. Do I need a new one?

No. Simply change your beneficiary. Just phone MySchool on 0860 100 445 or visit

How do I link my MySchool supporter and Woolworths card so that I only need to swipe one card at Woolworths stores?

MySchool card holders automatically qualify to be a part of the Woolworths WRewards programme.

Woolworths cards aren’t automatically linked to MySchool though. To link your Woolworths card to support a MySchool beneficiary contact MySchool on 0860 100 445.

Remember you can only use your Woolworths card at Woolworths stores, but your MySchool card can be used at various partners.


“Receive the children in reverence, educate them in love, and send them forth in freedom.”

Rudolf Steiner
Founder, Waldorf School movement

“For every one step that you take in the pursuit of higher knowledge, take three steps in the perfection of your own character.”

Rudolf Steiner
Founder, Waldorf School movement

“Activities demanding manual and bodily skill, such as knitting, leads to the enhancement of the faculty of judgement.”

Rudolf Steiner
Founder, Waldorf School movement
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