Our School Community
Michael Oak has long been working towards the ideal of a living community in which parents, teachers, pupils (both past and present) and friends are united through a common striving on behalf of the school.
In all three broad spheres of common activity in any community – cultural, social and economic – there is the room and the need for involvement. A core group of parents, teachers, and class representatives, known as Class Links, meets regularly to foster the life of the Michael Oak community.
Besides the opportunities that already exist at festivals, class-evenings, parent workshops, lecture-discussions and art, craft and gym classes, parents offer their help in school handwork lessons, the library, public exhibitions, transport on class outings and provision of refreshments. Maintenance and development are always needed on the buildings and in the garden. It is much valued when parents offer their help and expertise in these areas.Parents who may have any individual concerns or questions , or ideas or initiatives they wish to bring into being, are welcome to discuss these with their class teacher, with one of the Class Links, or with the Chairman of either the College of Teachers or the Board of Trustees, who will take them further. We are grateful for the help that has been given by parents over the years in participation, encouragement, confidence, work and funds.
The Wider Community
Michael Oak is a neighbourhood centre for events of a social-cultural nature. We offer our hall and grounds for a variety of activities in this sphere, thus providing a multi-cultural venue for lectures, performances, exhibitions, etc. By this means not only can we offer a service to the wider community, but the School and its ideals are indirectly promoted.
The School has an active Outreach Programme developed specifically to assist in areas of special need. Most of this work is done in the field of teacher enrichment