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Governance (Organisational Structure)

Michael Oak Waldorf School is based on a foundation of strong parent involvement and teachers who are passionate about educating children.

The school is governed by an active Board of Trustees (“Trustees”) comprising both parents and teachers. The Board acts in accordance with the terms of the Notarial Trust Deed of the Michael Oak School Association.

The College of Teachers (“College”) serves the pedagogical needs of the school, guiding the application of the Steiner curriculum in a modern and changing world. College works as a collective to manage the day-to-day running of the school, the teaching resources and the learning environment.

A number of committees comprising parents, teachers and staff, have key responsibilities to ensure responsible and sustainable governance, and the smooth running of the school. The committees are accountable to Trustees and/or College.

Different Working Groups with more specific mandates report into the various committees.

The Teachers in each school faculty (Kindergarten, Primary and High School) meet regularly and report through to College.

There are two stakeholder forums (Kindergarten & Primary School Parent Forum and High School Parent Forum) – important bodies who meet on a termly basis to share concerns and improve the school.

The Class Links and Class Forum Representatives are parents selected by each class annually, who act as the primary channel of communication between parents, the class teacher and the school.

Each of the above groups of parents and teachers are filled with people putting in time and effort to make the school work. Each is a vital part of the whole, contributing to a vibrant and very special school community .

Members 2024 – 2025:  Natasha Kannemeyer (Chair), Venasan Pillay (Secretary, Wayne de Wet (Treasurer), Kathy Abbott, Joshua Cox, Jerome Davis,  Ann Kantey, Mohamed Majapa, Gwynneth Matthews, Kim Snapper, Barrie van Zyl.

The Board of Trustees:
In terms of the Notarial Trust Deed of the Michael Oak School Association, the Trustees are responsible for ensuring that the objective of the Trust is achieved, which is essentially to organise and promote the teaching of children in accordance with the principles and methods expounded by Rudolf Steiner. The Trustees are also responsible for the long term sustainability and the legal and financial stability of the school.  The Trustees comprise of a minimum of six and a maximum of twelve members, at least three of whom need to be teachers. The parent members are selected annually as recommended by the Nominations Committee, which is made up of two members each from College and the current Trustees, and one each from the Parents Forums. The Trustees can co-opt new members in the course of the year where space allows.

Members 2024 – 2025:  Natasha Kannemeyer (Chair), Venasan Pillay (Secretary, Wayne de Wet (Treasurer), Kathy Abbott, Joshua Cox, Jerome Davis,  Ann Kantey, Mohamed Majapa, Gwynneth Matthews, Kim Snapper, Barrie van Zyl.

College of Teachers:
The College of Teachers is responsible for the pedagogical aspects of the school and ultimately ensuring that the needs of the children are met. The COT manage all aspects related to achieving this outcome which includes ensuring that the curriculum is adhered to, the evaluation of teachers, appointment of teachers. Their responsibility includes the management of the normal day to day running of the school. The COT members are made up of the school administrator and representatives from the kindergarten, primary, and high school faculties and they meet once per week.

Members 2025:  Kim Snapper (Chair), Christine Blankers, Tine Bohm, Ann Kantey, Lester Scharnick, Alison Tobler

School Administrative Body:
The Administration’s key responsibilities are the daily operations of the non-pedagogical aspects of the school, including secretarial, accounting, enrolment, marketing and events, as well as providing support for the teaching staff, children and parents in a myriad ways.

“Receive the children in reverence, educate them in love, and send them forth in freedom.”

Rudolf Steiner
Founder, Waldorf School movement

“For every one step that you take in the pursuit of higher knowledge, take three steps in the perfection of your own character.”

Rudolf Steiner
Founder, Waldorf School movement

“Activities demanding manual and bodily skill, such as knitting, leads to the enhancement of the faculty of judgement.”

Rudolf Steiner
Founder, Waldorf School movement
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